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各種鎖類如:自行車鎖類、汽車鎖類、拖車鎖類、電腦鎖...等、鋼索及其加工製品、自行車、機車零件及導 線、寵物用五金等加工製造業務。 前項產品及有關原料之買賣及進出口業務。 About the Company  Established in 1989, Handyway is built solidly on a foundation of successful lock and cable manufacturing operation.  Handyway manufacturing is among the leading high performance brands in bicycle accessories and vehicle towing locks. The products are sold in more than 25 countries world wide. Highlights  Handyway is committed and continues the emphasis on product innovation for stronger of security system.  The company is one of the industry’s premier manufactures, and with the best expertise in this field. Adding Value to Tomorrow Handyway is determined to deliver outstanding results and performance in product innovation designed to enhance security, appearance, durability and superior quality. These strategies are necessary to lead Handyway forward to years of growth and prosperity. 1989:Handyway formed with a capital of 1 million US dollars. 1990:Production of bicycle locks were in operation. 1995:Successful in developing Trailer lock operation. 1996:Kryptonite awarded as the successful strategic Partnership 1996 : TriMax’s first supplier of trailer lock 1996 : Masterlock’s first supplier of trailer lock 2000:China manufacturing plant established 2002:AXA Stenman’s awarded as the Preferred Partner 2004 : Norco awarded as the key performance partner 2005 : The mainly lock supplier of Cequent 2007 : Built EPR system 2009 : ISO 9001 certificated
The company was founded by 3 young entrepreneurs in 2005. With the new strategy crafted in mid 2011, we are actively seeking graduates to join our team. You MUST work smart and play hard. A Successful applicant must have a strong desire to explore the untouched blue ocean market. Experiences are not required since we can train the right people at 3X of normal speed. Our core values are: effectiveness, elegance, being creative﹐ open minded and fearless to any larger competitors! 公司文化﹕樂活第一﹐賺錢第二﹐虛假的表面功夫第100。
Billiards is no longer a means of communication between the few. the unique charm of billiards has made the lives of many people more fulfilling and has also added more happiness and excitement to their lives. Doctor Cheng International Inc. has specially selected exquisite, world renown, brand name billiard products and invested time and effort in planning - from design, development, to production - to bring you a series of related everyday goods. This is so that the billiards lover in you can express caring and thoughtfulness through billiards. Let Dr. Cheng International Inc. help you send out your warm, caring thoughts and feelings. We sincerely hope to be of service to you. Due to your active participation, billiards will be represented in the 1998 Asian Olympics. Let Dr. Cheng International Inc. grow with you so that together, we may usher in the new era in billiards. Our growth can only happen with your support.
*INTRODUCTION OF THE PROGAME ELECTRONICS INC. We、The Progame Electronsics Inc. have been established since 1982 with the capital of US$300,000 as an experienced manufacturer of coin、video、amusement machines and their spare parts. We are specialized in export/ import trade of a complete line of amusement products. We have qualified professionals constantly involved in developing new and used amusement machines and offer the best after-services to suit customers』 demands. We look forward to cooperate with the potential factories to make the achievement that will benefits for both of us. * OPERATION PRINCIPLE: 1. Providing educational、safe and comfortable entertainment place for people 2. To break the stereo type of piracy and copy image by establishing the new brand of our own. * OPERATION RANGE: 1. Distributing the various kinds of machines. 2. To investigate and develop new program of the IC board. 3. Trading and modifying the different series of IC board、such as Mary、Fruit and amusement series. 4. Spare parts and materials for wholesale. 5. Various kinds of machines for rent. * MAINTENANCE: 1. Maintain and repair the machine IC board for customers. * POCESS AND COMPOSE FOR SPECIAL CASE: 1. Design and program the entertainment park including association operation. 2. Develop special IC and PC board as required. *MARKET STRATEGY: 1. For Domestic Market-Provide our retailer with products for wholesale and for rent. 2. For Foreign Market-Spread our products through our agencies worldwide market. There are also colorful catalogues available.
An international kitchenware manufacturer and marketing company, and the new set up company in Taiwan is looking for qualified people to join the growing market and share the growth of the company’s benifit. Please see our website for details !
公司成立於1992年~目前營業額約2億/年~專營不織布製造銷售~在桃園設有工廠~外銷市場佔總營業額8成。 Taiwan Spunlace (group) Co; Ltd. is the leading professional spunlace manufacturer in Taiwan. With the spirit of achieving the best, we have jointly formed a group of skilled electronic construction engineers, process technicians, product related sales engineers, and planners with substantial knowledge a variety of first-grade quality products. Our perfectly synchronized automated production line and flawless selling system enable us to ensure that the production and marketing functions complement each other. Most of our founder members have experience with non-woven industry or equipment over than 30 years, and they are all the pioneers for spunlacing industry in Taiwan. In1994 we successfully developed the first hydro-entanglement production line, and till now we had set up totally 9 lines in Asia already. These years we concentrated all our spirit on developing hydro-entanglement technology and continuously acquire experience from practical operation. These precious experiences are the key-points to improve and develop the new technology on our production line. Now we had achieved a great success on machine’s performance, stability and capacity. With 250~300 tons high quality output per month, our worldwide customers are distributed in Japan, Korea, America, France, England, Denmark, Australia, Brazil, Turkey, India, Israel, Hong Kong…..etc.
MICTECH was founded in 1993. Automotive electronic control professional design and manufacturing company. Currently in the automotive electronic control aspects has more than 30 kinds of the patent. Is one of TOYOTA、DAIHATSU accessories suppliers in Taiwan. We have a professional and innovative R D team. Adhere to quality and customer first for business purposes. In automotive electronics, more than twenty years of experience. In the auto parts to the field of power driven development experience is very rich. Very much welcome the commission of any co-operation and development projects.
瑞豐德永集團于2008年成立,總部位於香港,是全球領先的一站式商業服務提供商。在北京、上海、廣州、深圳等城市設有12家公司,擁有一支超200名的會計、金融、稅務等高級顧問團隊。 業務涵蓋海外架構設計、會計財稅、國際貿易、銀行開戶、投資移民、財富傳承、行政秘書、商業解決方案等 ,業務遍及全球20多個國家及地區,已為全球4萬多名客戶提供一站式商業解決方案及顧問服務。 Richful Deyong Group was established in 2008, headquartered in Hong Kong. The Group is one of the world's leading one-stop business service providers. We have 12 branches in the Mainland China, namely, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, etc. We have more than 200 professionals in Accounting, Finance and Taxation sectors. We provide services including Overseas Organizational Structure, Accounting and Taxation, International Trade, Bank Accounting Opening, Overseas Investment & Immigration, Wealth Planning, Administrative Secretaries, Business Solutions etc. We have business in more than 20 countries and regions and have served for 40,000 global clients.
宏達國際電子股份有限公司(以下簡稱HTC)創立於1997年5月,致力於設計、製造與行銷各類新穎、優越且多功能的智慧型手持行動裝置協助消費者突破工作地點的限制,真正享受到數位科技與行動化對生活所帶來的自由感受。 HTC的員工以自身的專業加上對完美的執著,面對各種的挑戰都能憑藉強烈的熱情與豐富的創造力,使HTC不斷地提升全球競爭力。HTC是一家擁有創新能量的優質品牌,在HTC,員工可以持續、快速地在全球市場不斷歷練學習,站在全球的舞台上和世界一流的人才競技、成長。 HTC的品牌價值著重於對使用者的完全了解。希望使用者能在接觸與使用HTC產品的過程中,得到最大的滿足與快樂;從品質到服務都可以從HTC得到獨特與驚奇的經驗。基於此,HTC執行長周永明先生揭示了公司的五大核心價值:誠實(Honest)、謙虛(Humble)、簡單(Simple)、活力(Dynamic)、創新(Innovative)。 誠實(Honest):.我們總是言行一致。 謙虛(Humble) :我們或許成就非凡,但我們從不自視甚高與張揚。 簡單(Simple):我們儘可能讓事情變的清楚、直覺,與易於理解。 活力(Dynamic):我們大膽行動,靈活應變。 創新(Innovative):我們擁抱改變,探索未知;勇於挑戰新領域,永遠領先一步。 這些理念反應了我們對待客戶的方式、產業設計、溝通方式,以至於經營方式。 展望未來,HTC將以更新的科技及更佳的陣容、勇敢面對未來的挑戰,在全球行動通訊領域為消費者創造更佳的福址。 榮耀里程 2009 October HTC Hero 贏得英國三大電信獎項: * Stuff 科技時尚誌「年度風雲產品獎」(Gadget of the Year) * Mobile Choice 雜誌「年度最佳手機」 * T3 雜誌「年度最佳手機」 2009 October HTC 正式推出全球廣告行銷活動與全新品牌定位「Quietly Brilliant」 2009 September HTC 被亞洲富比士雜誌(Forbes Asia)評選為50家亞洲最佳企業(Fabulous 50)之一 2009 June HTC 正式推出 HTC Sense™ 及首款採用 HTC Sense™ 的手機 HTC Hero™ 2008 December HTC 宣佈購併美國知名設計公司One Co.強化設計實力 2008 November 俄羅斯電信業者 SCARTEL 與 HTC 推出全球第一支 GSM/WiMAX 整合式雙模手機 2008 September HTC 推出全球首款 Android 平台手機 T-Mobile G1 2008 September HTC 被亞洲富比士雜誌(Forbes Asia)評選為50家亞洲最佳企業(Fabulous 50)之一 2008 May HTC 獲美國《商業週刊》評選為「2008全球資訊科技一百強」第十名 2006 December HTC 獲得由投資關係(IR)雜誌所頒發的「最佳進步投資者關係獎」 2006 September HTC 獲美國《商業週刊》評選為亞洲最佳績效企業第四名 2006 July HTC 獲美國《商業週刊》評選為「2006全球資訊科技一百強」第四名 2005 November HTC 在英國成立歐洲分公司 HTC Europe 2005 October HTC 獲美國《商業週刊》亞洲上市公司最佳績效首次年度評選第31名 HTC 獲天下雜誌評選為2005台灣地區最佳聲望標竿企業第十名 2005 July HTC 董事長王雪紅獲美國《商業週刊》評選為2005年亞洲之星之創新者(25位走在改變前端的領導者之一) 2005 June HTC 獲美國《商業週刊》評選為「2005全球資訊科技一百強」第十一名 2003 March HTC 被美國《商業週刊》譽為最新的台灣科技之星(Tech all-star) 2003 January HTC 被亞元雜誌(Asia Money)評選為2002年台灣地區「最佳新上市公司」 2002 May HTC 推出彩色螢幕 PDA 手機 1997 May HTC 在台灣成立
像素數碼多媒體有限公司位於新北市板橋區,營業登記地址:新北市板橋區文化路二段182巷5弄37號,像素數碼多媒體有限公司的統一編號:27373994,營業稅籍分類屬於:遊戲軟體設計,像素數碼多媒體有限公司的負責人是倪O倫,資本額:1,000,000元,商業司營業登記狀態:核准設立 。 像素數碼多媒體有限公司的地址位於
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